Why join us at CPBS?

Caño Palma was created to give young biologists field experience to become leaders in conservation.

Our internships and volunteerships are designed to be structured enough to give visitors specific skills related to hands-on tropical conservation research experience but flexible enough to allow them to pursue specific interests and skills while doing so. 

By participating in long-term research projects, visitors learn: 

  • Hands-on field skills including:

    • Survey methods

    • Plant and wildlife Identification skills

    • Use of GPS

    • Field skills such as understanding weather conditions, safety procedures

    • Use of field safety equipment including satellite radios 

    • Teamwork

    • Leadership

    • Natural history 

  • Data entry and management

  • Data manipulation

As a gathering place for like-minded biologists, the station allows visitors to interact with their peers on a daily basis, facilitating long-lasting professional and personal connections. Visitors will be directly involved in collecting data that is published in academic journals and reports that advise conservation initiatives. This is what sets Caño Palma apart - the multitude of opportunities that allow interns and volunteers to gain experience that benefits them and sets them on the right track for a career in conservation. 

Caño Palma has hosted over 2,400 interns and volunteers from 50 countries